вівторок, 5 травня 2020 р.

Form 4

1. Read the text

2. Give short answers to these questions.   
1) Are Harry and Adam good friends?
2) Is Adam older than Harry?
3) Do Adam and Harry live near one another?
4) Do Adam and Harry go to the same school?
5) Are all Adam's friends the same age?
Answer these questions in sentences.
1) Who is Adam's best friend?
2) What do the boys do every evening?
3) How much does Harry weight?
4) Which boy is taller?
5)What sport does Adam like?
Write sentences about the children in the picture. Use "taller", "thinner" and "shorter" in your answers.

1. Склади 3 речення:
July is                                             go to school on Sunday.
Children don’t                                reading a book?
Is she                                              the hottest month.
2. Встав слова: now, every day, yesterday, tomorrow.
I speak English ….
We are doing homework ….
He went to Kyiv ….
They will go to the park ….
3. Утвори ступені порівняння:
Cold - … - the coldest
pretty – prettier - ….
big - …. – the biggest
beautiful – more beautiful - ….
4. Дай відповідь на питання:
What will you do tomorrow?