вівторок, 5 травня 2020 р.

Form 2

Read the text
Pictures Little girls Boys Smile Children Two Hug Love 2560x1440

Bill and Ann 
This is a boy. His name is Bill. Bill is a little boy. He has got a family. His family is big and happy. He has got a father, a mother, a sister, a grandmother and a grandfather.
This is Ann. She is Bill's sister. Ann is a big girl. She is seven.
Bill has got  a ball. The ball is big and red. Ann has got a doll. The doll is not big.
Ann and Bill have got a dog Jack. The dog is big and black. Jack has got  a bone. Ann, Bill and Jack like to play.
Put « + » or « - »
1. Bill is a little boy.               6. Ann is ten.
2. His family is small.            7. Bill has a black ball.
3. His family is happy.            8. Ann has a doll.
4. Bill has a brother.               9. Ann and Bill have a cat.
5. Ann is a little girl.              10. Jack is a big black dog.
Склади речення з поданих слів.
1. Ann, big, a, is, girl.
2. Bill, dog, a, has, got.

Глагол to be упражнения - Секреты английского языка

Find "to be"
I am a girl.
The book is on the table.
They are happy.
The flowers are red.
We are at home.
To be, an interactive worksheet by Irishka0202
