четвер, 21 травня 2020 р.

Form 2

Ten Years Old Girl High-Res Stock Photo - Getty Images21.05.2020
This is Rose. She's ten. She has got a big family. Rose has got a dad, a mum, two sisters, two brothers, a granny and a grandad. This is her dad. His name is Sam. This is her mum. Her name is Liz. These are her sisters. Their names are Pam and Lolly. These are her brothers. Their names are Tim and Bill. This is her granny. Her name is Susie. This is her grandad. His name is Tom.
Завдання до тексту
1. Напиши слова англійською мовою
десять, сім'я, дідусь, бабуся, сестри
2. Доповни речення
1. She has got а …
2. Rose has got a dad, a mum, two…
3. This is her mum. Her…
4. These are her brothers. Their…
5. This is her grandad. His…
3. Обери та запиши у зошит правдиві речення
1. This is Rose.
2. She is eight.
3. Rose's dad is Sam.
4. Pam and Lolly are Rose's sisters.
5. Rose has got a granny. 
4. Дай відповідв на запитання.
1. How old is Rose?
2. Has she got a family?
3. What is her dad's name?
4. What are her brothers' names?
5. What is her grandad's name?
Test 1  -  2213005
Test 2 -  3165966
Test 3 -  7958885
Listen   and do the Test 4  - 1578382