середа, 15 квітня 2020 р.

Spring outside my window.

Когда в Днепр придет настоящая весна. Новости Днепра
I love spring. It is a wonderful season. The days become longer and the nights become shorter.The ground is covered with fresh green grass and the first spring flowers.
Birds sing and build their nests. The air is fresh and the sun shines brightly.
The weather is warm and everything is full of life and joy.
Children like to play outdoors. Families go to the parks to have picnics.In spring we can go to the country and have a walk in the woods or by the river.
We have a lot of holidays in spring: Women's Day, April Fool's Day, Easter, May Day, Mother's Day and Victory Day, That is why spring is my favourite season.

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Spring words "Весняні" слова

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