середа, 22 квітня 2020 р.

Earth Day

Our planet is amazing place, but it needs our help to thrive. That is why each year on April 22, more than a billion people celebrate Earth Day to protect the planet from things like pollution and deforestation. By taking part in activities like picking up litter and planting trees, we are making our world happier, healthier place to live.
You can celebrate and protect the planet at the same time.
Check out these Earth Day ideas to help save the planet any time of year:
Take short shower to save water. Turn off the lights when you leave the room.  Don't leave the water running when you brush your teeth. Plant a tree Use shopping bags, not plastic bags.  Use recyclable paper.   Don't waste paper.

We live on Earth. It is our planet. There is a lot of water on Earth. It is in lakes and rivers, seas and oceans. The Pacific ocean is the largest of the oceans.
There are high mountains, dry deserts and green forests. Amazing animals live on Earth. Wonderful plants grow on our planet.
More than 7 billion people live on the planet. There are 195 countries on Earth. There are big countries and small ones. There are hot countries and cold ones. You can visit different cities, towns and villages.
Earth is our home! We must protect our planet!

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