неділя, 11 жовтня 2020 р.

Form 4


1.Послухай скоромовку та вимов якомога швидше. 

2. Прослухай слова та запиши їх у словник. Вправа 1, с. 10

3. Прочитай речення та скажи про що йде мова.
1 You use this after a bath.
2 At night, you put your head on this in bed. 
3 This is usually in the kitchen and it’s cold inside. 
4 This is usually on a wall and you put things on it. 
5 We put these on sofas and armchairs. 

6 You put this over your body when you sleep.

Прислівники частотності ставимо перед основним дієсловом.
I always get up early.
My brother never makes his bed.
Do you often help your mum?
Якщо у реченні використовується дієслово to be (am, is, are) то прислівник частотності ставимо після нього.
We are never late for school.
My mum is often busy.
Adverbs of frequency, an interactive worksheet by osusa

4. Look, read and say Matviy or Lestari.
1 In winter, it’s often very cold here. I always have lots of blankets on my bed in winter, but in summer, I sometimes sleep with no blanket. 
2 In my country, the temperature is always between 25ºC and 32ºC, so I never have a blanket on my bed. I never sleep on a pillow, but I love the cushions in my room. 
3 The fridge in our house is very important, because it’s so hot here and we usually keep all our food in it. It’s a big fridge! 
4 In winter, we rarely put drinks in the fridge, because we can put them in the big cupboard in our basement. It’s usually very cold there! 

 Look at the things Matviy does every day. Make 4 sentences and write them in your notebook.
Put adverbs of frequency in the sentence. Write the sentences in a notebook.

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