Дистанційне навчання, 4 клас

Увага! Завдання знаходиться на головній сторінці!

Our English Lesson
English is a very popular language. Many people whose languages are different, can understand each other if they speak English.
On the English lessons, the teacher usually asks us some questions. We learn many new words and expressions. We also repeat old words and write them on the blackboard or in the copybooks. We try to answer well and receive excellent marks. We sometimes make mistakes and teacher corrects them. We like to speak English on the lessons. We often use an interactive white board or computer and do different tasks.
We ask and answer different questions. We retell texts. We work hard on the lessons to know it well.
Now English is very important because we want to communicate with other people. We also want to read scientific books and magazines in original. Foreign language helps us to develop friendship and understanding.
Complete the sentence. 
We usually ...   in the English lessons.
learn              songs
speak             the questions
sing                English films
answer           different tasks
translate         into Ukrainian
watch             new words and expressions
write              funny stories 
read                poems
use                 English
retell              texsts       
use                 from English
do                  a computer
Have you got fair hair? - Yes, I have. I've got faif hair.
Are you ten years old? 
Do you like playing basketball?
Can you ski?
Does she drive?
Is your mother a dentist?
Does your father work in hospital?
Has your brother got curly hair?
Can Mark and Ben come to dinner today?
Is Polina short?
Can I use your computer?
Does your father like cakes?
Are you good at Maths?
Do you like school?
Is your mum pretty?
Do your friends like football?
Is your uncle tall?
Are rabbits dangerous?
Have you got a brother?

Last Thursday my parents and I went shopping. We wanted to buy food for Easter. Every year all the family gathers at our place to celebrate Easter. We like this holiday very much and we always cook a lot of dishes. So we went to the market. I like to go to the market because they sell everything there: bread sugar, tea, milk, cheese, fish, meat clothes, shoes so on.My mother bought a lot of eggs to make krashankas and pysankas. We also bought a bag of flour and a bottle of milk for Easter cakes.
For the salad I bought vegetables: a kilo of cabbages, half a kilo of cucumbers, half a kilo of tomatoes and 2 onions.
Ukrainian people cook a lot on holidays, especially dishes from meat. So we bought 3 kilos of meat. My grandpa is good at making sausage.
We also bought fruit for children because they are very useful.
At the end of our shopping we were glad because we bought everything we wanted.

Decide if the following statements are true or false.
1. Every Thursday my parents and I went shopping.
2. We wanted to buy food for Easter.
3. Every year all the family gathers at our place to celebrate Easter.
4. We like this holiday very much and we always cook a lot of dishes.
5. I don’t like to go to the market because they sell everything there: bread sugar, tea, milk, cheese, fish, meat clothes, shoes so on.
6. My mother bought a lot of eggs to make a cake.
7. We also bought a bag of rice and a bottle of milk for Easter cakes.
8. Ukrainian people cook a lot on holidays, especially dishes from meat.
9. My grandpa is good at making krashankas and pysankas.
10. At the end of our shopping we were glad because we bought everything we wanted.
Make negative sentences:
She is watching TV.
My sister went to London last year.
I will visit my granny on Sunday.
Tom rides his bike every day.
My teacher is kind.
We are dancing at the party.
They work at school.
You called me yesterday.
I was at home last Friday.
My mum will bake a cake.
Make questions:
They are fishing.
My friends sang me a song.
I like fruit and vegetables.
You were hungry and thirsty.
She drinks coffee every morning.
You will write him a letter.
She is a happy girl.
Jack is drawing a picture.
They travelled to Rome by plane.
You were at the library at 5 o'clock.
Hello. My name is David and I am 9 years old. On Good Friday I get up at 9 o’clock. I have boiled eggs with faces painted on them for my breakfast. After breakfast my brother John and I play games with our dog, Max, or watch TV.
On Easter Sunday I get up at 8 o’clock because John and I go to church. At 1 o’clock we go to a restaurant for lunch.
My brother and I eat pizza with salad or chips and then we have chocolate cake and ice cream. We love ice cream! My favourite ice cream is chocolate, but my brother likes vanilla. At home we get chocolate Easter eggs.
True or false
If false, write the correct information.
David is 8 years old.
David gets up at 9 o’clock on Friday.
David has a dog called Mister.
David has got a brother.
David goes to school on Easter Sunday.
They go to a restaurant at 3 o’clock.
David and John eat pizza for lunch.
David and John don’t like ice cream.
They have a chocolate Easter egg.

She is baking a cake now.
She bakes cakes every Sunday.
She baked a cake last Sunday.
She will bake a cake next Sunday.

1) He is riding his bike now.
2) They went to the church last Easter.
3) My mum colours eggs every Easter.
Listen to the song and fill in the blanks. SONG
       I love spring. It is a wonderful season. The days become longer and the nights become shorter.The ground is covered with fresh green grass and the first spring flowers.
       Birds sing and build their nests. The air is fresh and the sun shines brightly.
The weather is warm and everything is full of life and joy. 
       Children like to play outdoors. Families go to the parks to have picnics.In spring we can go to the country and have a walk in the woods or by the river.
       We have a lot of holidays in spring: Women's Day, April Fool's Day, Easter, May Day, Mother's Day and Victory Day, That is why spring is my favourite season.
       What is your favourite season? Why?
Homework: I. Вибери правильний варіант:
1.They ... a test now.
a) write b) are writing c) wrote
2. I … my favourite book yesterday.
a) read b) am reading c) will read
3. He … in a bank next year.
a) works b) worked c) will work
4. The weather … cold last month.
a) is b) was c)will be
5. Linda … her grandmother every summer.
a) visits b) visited c) will visit
II. Склади речення:
This doctor shopping.
The weather works in the new hospital.
Many people drink 8 o’clock.
Sandra likes to go is changeable this spring. School starts at coffee in the morning.

      My name is … I am a pupil of the fourth form. I go to school number 13. My school is situated in the centre of the town. It is not very big. More than 3 hundred pupils study at my school.
      My teacher’s name is … She is very kind/strict/nice/clever. Usually we have 5 lessons a day. We study Math, Ukrainian, Reading, English, Nature Study, Computer Studies, Music, Art, PT and Handicraft.
       We have English 4 times a week. At our English lessons we speak English, read texts, do exercises, sing songs and play games. Sometimes we have tests and dictations.
       There is a nice library and a big gym in my school. I think, it is the best school of our town.
My school timetable, an interactive worksheet by victor


1. Answer the questions.
1)When does your school begin?
2) How many lessons have you got a day?
3)How often have you got English?
2.Listen and read the letter.
2. Listen and name the boy's favourite lesson.

3. Choose a) b) or c) to complete the sentences.

4. Read and compare.

5. Open the brackets and put the verb into the correct form.
1) She (have) breakfast now.
2) They (take) part in the competition every week.
3) Last month there (be) a school party.
4) We (have) five lessons yesterday.
5) Look! We (play) football in the photo.
6) They (do) their homework yesterday.

1. Watch the video and repeat the words. 
2. Listen and read. 
3. True or False?
4. Listen, read and compare. 
5. Look at this timetable and answer the questions. (in writing)

08.04.2020 (4B)
09.04.2020 (4C)
1. Watch the video and repeat the words.
2.Read ex.9, p.85.
3. Ex.10, p 86.True or false?
4. Fill in Who? Whose? What? When? Where?  Why?  How much?  How many? or What time?
07.04.2020 (4B)
Ex. 2, p. 82. Read the poem.
Ex. 5, p. 83. Read the dialogue.
Ex. 7, p. 84. Make the sentences.
What school uniform would you like to wear?

26.03.2020 (4B)
27.03.2020 (4C)
School uniform
1.Watch the video and write the words.

School uniform, an interactive worksheet by myenglishteacher


2. Read the words and write them in your vocabularies. (p. 76)
3. Read the  poem clearly posted in the Viber. (ex.2, p.77)
4. Read the dialogue "School Spirit" (ex. 5, p. 78)
5. Do the test 

25.03.2020 (4C)

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом school life

1. Play this GAME.
2. Read the text (ex. 9 on page 74).
typical  [ˈtɪpɪkl] -  типовий
necessity [nəˈsesɪti] - необхідність, надобність
 compartment  [kəmˈpɑːt.mənt] - відсік, відділ
stuff [stʌf] -  речі
owner [ˈəʊnə(r)] - власник, хазяїн
peg [peɡ] - гачок, вішалка
cloakroomkləʊk.rʊm] - гардероб, роздягальня, камера зберігання
spill [spɪl] - пролити, розлити
unfair [ˌʌnˈfeə(r)] - несправедливість, нечесний, упереджений
2. Are these statements true or false?(ex. 10 on page 75).
3. Watch the video. Do the preparation task.
1. Listen to the song and remember the words:

2.Check yourself.

3. Open your book on page 71. Read and translate the words.
Read the poem (ex.2).
Read the dialogue (ex. 5, p.73).Write 3 sentences using the table (ex.7, p.73).4. Game 
1.   Watch the video about London.  Перегляньте відео про Лондон.
2.  Listen to the words.   Послухайте слова. 
London Sights
  3. Read ex.9, p.166. Прочитайте впр. 9 на стор. 166 
4. Expect a message in the group.  Очікуйте повідомлення в групі.
1. Перегляньте відео та запам‘ятайте.
2. Потренуйтеся складати запитання. Game
3. Очікуйте наступне завдання у п‘ятницю о 9:30 у нашій групі.

1. Прочитайте питання (спеціальні) та відповіді. (Для ознайомлення)
2. Зіграй та перевір себе.
Tests, an interactive worksheet by Irishka0202


1. Прочитайте та перекладіть запитання (загальні) та відповіді. (Для ознайомлення)
2. Оберіть правильний варіант. 
Важливо! ОБОВ'ЯЗКОВО надішліть відповідь вчителю! i.chiypesh@gmail.com 
Yes- No Questions, an interactive worksheet by Irishka0202


3. Дайте  короткі відповіді на запитання.  Плюс означає ТАК, минус - НІ.
(Виконуємо у зошитах, фотографyємо та надсилаємо мені на Viber)😊
1. Did you close the window? +
2. Has Maria got a sister? -
3. Do you like chocolate? -
4. Were there many people at the party? -
5. Can I use your computer?+
6. Is there any juice in the fridge? -

Вітаю всіх!

Виконайте завдання  до 14:00
Код доступу у Viber

Disagree as in the example.
Richard went to Turkey by ship. - Richard didn't go to Turkey by ship.
1. The plane landed at Kyiv at 5 o'clock.
2. The train arrived 5 minutes ago.
3. Dave's parents enjoy travelling by sea.
4. Pam usually travels by bus or train.
5. My friend is going to take a taxi to a railway station.
6. Mark is travelling on business now.

Do the test

557214 10.02.2020
Watch the cartoon and write down all verbs into your vocabulary
Подивіться мультфільм та випишіть усі дієслова у словник

1. Опрацюйте слова на сторінці 135
                                      2. Прочитайте діалог,  впр. 5 стор. 37, та виконайте 
                тестові завдання

Пов’язане зображенняКод  783256
Складіть розповідь про свого улюбленця (справжнього або уявного). Для додавання розповіді натисніть + або клацніть двічі у будь-якому місці на Padlet. Є можливість додати фото внизу публікації.
Have you got a pet?
What animal is it?
What is its name?
What colour is it?
What does it like?
What can it do?
Why do you like your pet?
Зроблено в Padlet

1. Вітаю, любі четвертокласники!
1. Прочитати вправу 9 на стор. 139
2. Виконати тест

Вітаю, виконайте завдання у робочих зошитах.
2 - з'єднайте дві частинки речення.
3 - доповніть речення неправильними дієсловами. 

Вітаю всіх! 


Put in THIS or THESE      
______ books, ______ mice, ______ child, ______ children, ______ trousers, _______ tooth
__________ jeans, ______ pupil, _____ woman, ______ teacher,  ______people

 Put in THAT or THOSE     

____ horse, ______ girl, ____ boys,______animals, ______ man, ______ people, ______ car
_____ office

Change the sentences into the PLURAL
This book is good. -  These books are good.
That is my notebook. _______________________________________________
This boy is fourteen years old. ________________________________________
That dog is black. __________________________________________________
This is my house. __________________________________________________

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